Monday, January 31, 2011

Funny Facts About Tay Sachs

Nightingale Owl vs.

will read the

"There are people who like to get up early and immediately taken to the proverbial" Robots ", to end it early and go to bed early sleep. This is a typical definition of "early bird" or lark. Others get up late, late start to work and finish as late days. This so-called. "Night owls" or owls. Larks they functioned in the morning. With the advent of the evening 'fall from your feet. "Untwist the Owls with the passing hours. In the morning they are unconscious for a week - run at full speed and it's up to the late night hours.

This division is a simplification, of course - each of us has in fact chronotyp your personal or circadian pattern of activity, both in the physical realm, and intellectual property. There is a widespread belief that chronotyp evening is worse than the morning ("the early bird catches the worm"). That is - figuratively speaking - that nightingales are more productive and therefore more effective professionally, from owls. The belief that there is no scientific justification.

study by Belgian researchers from the University of Liege has shown that, chronotyp evening is not worse than the morning, and in certain contexts may be even better, and more specifically - that larks have a shorter performance than the owls. And as long as half an hour after awakening , the activity area of \u200b\u200bthe brain the concentration is similar in both groups, after ten and a half hours, the brains of owls are greater than the brains of skylarks in terms of activity (it has been studied using fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging, of course, representatives of both groups rose in accordance with its chronotypem.

Larks, the largest activity of the brain falls on the morning hours, with the passage of more and more feel the lack of sleep. Owls with the passing hours increasingly "untwist" to reach a maximum in the evening. This is confirmed by another study, this time carried out on Canadian university in Alberta:
U larks decreased cortical excitability during the day. Was the highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. In the case of owls has exactly the opposite - the brain activity was highest in the evening at 21 "- said the experiment.

Investigators surprise results of stimulation of the spinal cord through which the reflexes were tested. Excitability core grew over the course of the day in both groups." We suggest that the larks may never reach their true peak performance, since the activity patterns of their brain and spinal cord to overshoot. U brain and spinal owls are in the best form in the evening, so it's best work is when. "- so the researchers concluded the results obtained.

What was the consensus of these studies? That we should not focus on the fight against our natural chronotypem much seek use it intelligently. So choose such work, what time interact with our type of operation, and within the work place as a task to those requiring more attention and effort were a peak of our activity. Obviously, the more we know about our natural and chronotypu related with the habits and preferences, the more consciously we can use the various seasons of the day. It is worth to note that regardless of chronotypu, we need a certain amount of sleep and time for recovery. Each "niedospanie" costs a lot our body - we have a worse short-term memory, a weaker note, and even worse mood.

Why are chronotypy? In part, the genetic factors (hPer2 researchers have identified a gene responsible for our "internal clock" that is, the operation rate sleep-wake). In part, the light conditions, which occurred shortly after birth (most of the nightingales are born in spring and summer, most of the owls in autumn and winter). Sleep habits, and seasonal activities are also changing with age - the stereotype of student learning at night and older people "rise up from the hens," is part of the results of research psychologists.

How to determine your chronotyp? Psychologists often use psychometric tool called "Morningness -Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). At home, may be used. self-observation. So pay attention so, in what time we wake up spontaneously (ie without an alarm clock or a second person) and what time you naturally fall asleep. Note also what time of day, we get the most physical and mental activity. When we are more focused - in the daytime or evening? The answers to these simple questions will show us what we chronotypowÄ… trend. You can also use self-evaluation questionnaire (in English) Morning-Eveningness Scale. "

from today do not know that I am" owl "as it looks:) But sometimes it's tiring-for example, right now. There are a few minutes after midnight sensible to turn in the bed under the threat of problems with getting up early morning to work. Rebel and try to speak to my sense of reason:) Unfortunately, the morning will fall. I swear I'll be thinking about you last night ...


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