Fresh without Sita and Bonus.
(photo from the archives of the "U")
I reported on a competition in KurzeDomowej, and for two days rather than go to Blogger and edit new posts, I stop at Analytics and try to see if I find it worthwhile. What a paradise for dedektywiej my soul.
My entire audience rose by 100%. The unlucky thirteen on Wednesday, up to 26 people on Thursday. But why has increased, since KuraDomowa not enough that is not posted a link for my part, it's not even sent me a confirmation of the declaration?
I have five observers, but why do I only see three?
Why my website went so far none of Mazur? It's probably indeed a problem for the ethnographer rather than the internet user. Make sure there real Easter eggs and kraszanki and do not want disguises.
Is an average of 4.5 minutes spent on the site for visitors is not enough or too much?
pulled from the above general conclusion Slowly move ahead . My light
concerned about the two facts:
- first, about 40% strength bounce (after someone entered hell on my page, only to get away from it?);
- secondly, the traffic sources with keywords: crochet, patterns of T-shirts to eggs, egg lace shirts, shirts, etc schemes . And what will happen after Christmas? Zero traffic?
When I shared their concerns with her son struck me even more, explaining that it is good because I have a new page "Fresh Site Bonus and why it is so easy to me now to find by typing" crochet shirts for eggs, but is not always the young and beautiful and the waves.
That just does not need me to explain.
joined The Fresh Site, waiting for the Bonus.
(photo from archive requested "U", without the consent of the model. But is such a young God will ever visit to szydełkowaniu?)
PS. I went in the morning on Saturday for Analytics and what? Same success.
Number of visits to my site has exceeded 200 people. I oglądacza (securely fit) with Mazur. (Yours Bartoszyce.)
on Overlay Maps (I do not know why not on the map), west of the Polish saw celadon. My Fame pisankowych shirts crossed the Polish border. The network went to Norynbergi (for Wit Stwosem?) And Stuttgart.
I slept and my party does not.
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