Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Does A Chest Infection Affect Fetus

Zend_Controller_Router_Route and creating new routes

recently on the Polish forum for Zend Framework I met with the problem of clean URLs. This library supports the standard addresses of the form:

http://nazwa_strony/nazwa_kontrolera/nazwa_akcji/parametr/wartość However

page was to contain a multi-lingual content. And although Zend supports the ability to read information from the browser developer is wanted to control the tongue by placing the code before the name of the controller, for example:

http://nazwa_strony/pl/nazwa_kontrolera/ ...

therefore decided to consult the documentation and write the necessary code. We'll start with the directory structure, which is taken from a tutorial:








    • . htaccess index.php

      file. htaccess contains control information for the module rewrite :

    • RewriteEngine on RewriteRule .* index.php

    index.php file is the so-called bootstrap for ZF. In it we make must initialize all the elements necessary for the operation environment. And so to work:

  • / / Set debug
    • define ('_DEBUG', 1);

    • if (defined ('_DEBUG'))
    if (_DEBUG == 1)

  • error_reporting (E_ALL

  • try {/ / Load the necessary classes
  • Zend:: loadClass ('Zend_View');

Zend:: loadClass ('Zend_Controller_Front');

Zend:: loadClass ('Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite');

/ / Set the base address

$ baseurl = substr ($ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'], 0,
 strpos ($ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'], '/ index.php')); 

/ / Configuration class
view $ view = new Zend_View ();

$ view-> baseurl = $ baseurl;

$ view-> setScriptPath ('. / Application / views');

Zend:: register ('view', $ view);

/ / Here we configure the new route

$ route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route (

': lang /: controller /: action',

/ / Defines
language in front of the controller

array ('lang' => 'en', 'controller' => 'index',

'action' => 'index'), / / \u200b\u200bdefault values \u200b\u200b

array ('lang'=>'[ a-z_ ]+')); / / Condition for lang

/ / Create a router to route our

$ router = new Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite ();

$ router-> removeDefaultRoutes ();

$ router-> addRoute ('user', $ route );

/ / Initialize the main controller

$ FrontController = Zend_Controller_Front:: getInstance ();

$ FrontController-> setRouter ($ router);

$ FrontController-> setBaseUrl ($ baseurl);
FrontController-> setControllerDirectory (

'. / Application / controllers');

$ FrontController-> throwExceptions (true);

$ FrontController-> returnResponse (true);

/ / Initialize the response object

$ response = $ FrontController-> dispatch ();

$ response-> renderExceptions (true);

$ response-> setHeader ('Pragma', 'no-cache');

$ response-> setHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no- cache ');

/ / Display the
echo $ response;} catch
(Exception $ exception) {

/ / Operation of exception

$ message = 'setup
Application exception:

$ message .= $ exception-> getMessage ();

if (defined ('_DEBUG') ) if (_DEBUG) {

$ message .= '
'. $ exception-> getTraceAsString ();}

die ($ message);}

There remains therefore nothing but learn about the language. This is done in the file IndexController.php:

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action


indexAction function () {

echo $ this-> _getParam ('lang', 'en');

echo "in IndexController: indexAction ();}


When copying files to the server will get information about the language and developed a method


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