Apparently a good programmer is a lazy programmer, and although the former is still much to me, is laziness, and I eventually granted. Discouraged by the constant editing of configuration files under VMWare Player decided to install a new beta of the second edition of Server.
After downloading almost 500MB of packages started to install. In contrast to the previous edition may be surprised at the presence of Apache Tomcat, how well-known developers of all sorts of JEE applications. There is a lack of well-known Console Server and Workstation. In return, we get a web console.
When it starts to show us the login window:
And here comes the first calamity, at least for users of Windows Vista. To log on because we need to activate your account Administrator or, according to some, to disable User Access Control. I took this first option, assigning a new password to the Administrator.
After logging shows us a screen control environment:
first step you should make is to add permissions for your user (Permissions tab, click New Permission). Then the Administrator account is unnecessary.
addition of habit, I turn off the swap file to use for storage of virtual machines (Summary -> Edit Host Settings -> Fit all virtual machine memory into reserved host RAM).
Creating virtual machines is not significantly different from the process known from the Workstation. The only difference is the machine assigned to one of the repository (Datastore) drive. At this point it should also be remembered that the machinery created by default offer a compatibility mode with VMWare Workstation 6 or Player 2nd This gives the possibility of allocating more RAM and disk space, and also adds support for USB 2.0.
After creating the machinery remains her only start (green button):
To view virtual machine console, we can move bookmark Console, install the plugin (for IE - ActiveX, FF - xpi) and click on the box. We can also generate a shortcut to a VM (Virtual Machine Generate Shortcut) to cause the console directly from the desktop.
For this second method will be asked to sign:
further support the use no longer resembles Player.
view of the first version of VMWare Server 2 Beta can say that the developers put a huge effort for their product. The system works very reliably while ensuring high efficiency in virtual environments.
The only problem was the need to activate the Administrator user.